SAVE ME SERIES (Book 2) Author: Alyson Santos
KINDLE EDITION, Kindle Unlimited
I sort of stumbled into this story after I listened to the superb Rising West. I was curious to see the dedication in the excerpt for this one. It was in Portuguese! My Brazilian heart was curious. Would this be a book that had characters who spoke Portuguese? Would they have Portuguese or Brazilian roots? And most of all, if they did, would it butchered awfully like I had seen before when people try to reference Brazil and Brazilian culture? The country is either a den of thieves or some sort of Disneyfied version of a tropical jungle with people with bananas on their hats dancing on the streets. I was SOOOOOOOOO happy to see my other language used flawlessly and also every single reference being spot on: they have Brazilian sounding names, they mention real Brazilian bands, they speak in perfect Portuguese! Xander even says he likes coxinha!
And the “bonus”: the story is beautiful! The bond between the brothers that have gone through hell together and find solace in music is heartbreakingly beautiful. The great woman who sees the man behind the pain.
I loved this book! I think I just found another one click author!
PS: By the way, Alyson Santos now writes under the name Aly Styles.