Author: Talia Hibbert
Ravenswood Book 2
Kindle Edition
Hannah Kabbah is the town weirdo/pariah: an untouchable. Trained to work with children, some actions in her past now prevent her to do so. She lost her temper in a monumental way and got herself a very inconvenient criminal record.
Nate is in a pickle. He just moved himself and his two kids back home to the be able to spend time with his terminally ill mother. His “demon children” (as his brother Zach lovingly calls them) need a nanny. Zach is a good friend of Hannah’s and he suggests that she is perfect for the job. The children take to her immediately and she is hired.
Here’s the kicker: Hannah had a major crush on Nate back in school Will she be able to resit the single dad now?
I liked this book. A lot. However, I think it falls into the same category as book 1 in this series. It is a book that reads like a novella. I wanted to know more about Nate, his past. There is great focus on Hannah’s depression and how she copes with it (which is really well done), but I felt that there was something missing. Since this is part of a series, I am going to approach the whole package off four books as one big story. I am sure that everything I know about the characters (who are recurring throughout the books) will help me enjoy book 4 to the fullest.
The romance is great. The steam is there. And Talia definitely writes beautifully.
It was still a very good, mind you!