Shacking Up #2

Audiobook, Audible

Author: Helena Hunting

Narrators: Jacob Morgan and Muffy Newtown

Scene1 : a party.  Amalie sees a beautiful man and he definitely notices her. He makes a move, they strike up a conversation, but when he leaves her to get her a fresh drink, Armstrong makes a move too and warns her: “that guy, Lexington, is dangerous, let me save you from him.” 

Scene 2: Amalie and Armstrong’s wedding reception. All the guests are waiting for the speeches and the groom is nowhere to be found. Cue in the sounds coming rom the loudspeakers: you can’t mistake what you are hearing. Yes, the groom is getting a blow job… and not from his new bride. Amalie flees the reception, goes to the bridal suite and throws herself at the first able-bodied man she sees: Lexington, who definitely is not interested in getting involved in that particular drama. 

A couple of days later, she sets off to Bora Bora alone for her failed honeymoon. Serendipity kicks in and her seat mate in the flight heading the same way is none other than Lexington, who is now reassessing his decision not to be her rebound guy.

They spend two idyllic weeks at the resort and Armstrong decides to make her life a living hell. After all, he hates to lose, specially to his cousin and nemesis, Lexington. And for Ami and Lex, what happened on the island doesn’t want to stay on the island! 

I absolutely loved this book! It starts with a bang and from the first scene we root for Ami and Lex. He’s swoony and sexy and she’s downright funny. Her little suitcase is a hilarious surprise and I love her so much that I can’t not hope she annihilates Armstrong, who is the douche to upstage all douches with his superior douchy-ness. 

Narration for this one is SUPERB! Jacob Morgan is amazing in portraying different characters with his voice, but I swear to God he made me want to throw my phone on the wall every time Armstrong said a word. You could feel the smarmy… Well done, man! And Muffy Newtown is a star who can do no wrong (except pick pseudonyms because I can’t even with “Muffy”… LOL). A thousand stars for this one! 
