Shacking Up #4
Audiobook, Audible
Author: Helena Hunting
Narrators: Muffy Newtown and Jacob Morgan
This is the fourth book in the Shacking Up series (but you can totally read as a standalone) and we open with Griffin, Bancroft and Lexington’s big brother in Las Vegas. He’s there to oversee the buying of a new hotel. One of his friends is getting married and he got the short stick of party planning: go to a Sex Toy Warehouse and buy assorted “party favors” for a bachelor party. He’s met there by the shop assistant, Cosi, a twenty-two year old spitfire who immediately catches his eye.
In true rom com form, a series of unfortunate events fall upon the couple on the way to their HEA: a pregnant ex-fiancée from hell shows up (I immediately wanted to pair her up with Armstrong, who we met in book #2, and I was – spoiler alert – pleasantly surprised with a certain turn of events); Cosi’s sister hooked up with Griffin on one of his super rare events of that nature… the works! Nothing seems to go right for these two!
The age gap (11 years) is big enough to cause the necessary conflicts and not big enough to be icky. Both of them are lovable characters and you just want to root for them!
It’s a fun read and a great addition to the series. We catch up a little with the other brothers, which is also fun. And Cosi’s sister, Nevah, who’s a very intriguing character, has her own novella too. So if you like her, you can read her story in Dude in Distress.
Narration: Jacob Morgan (I’ll just shut up and not bore you with my repetitive fangirling) and Muffy Newtown (yeah, that one, but under this name), so this is a joy to listen to!