E-book, Kindle

Author: TL Swan

This is the inaugural short story of a collection to which TL Swan will add to every year and it will be live to download for 28 days only.
The fist story is Alaskan Jack.
City girl Holy goes on a business trip to Alaska and everything goes wrong: her assistant is sick and can’t go with her, she misses her flight, she can’t get a charter, and when she finally manages a flight to another town and rents an SUV, she ends up by side the side of the road, in the rain, in the middle of Bumfuck Nowhere.
Jack sees the lights of a car skidding around in the dark and realizes someone needs assistance. He rushes to the site and finds Holly in her “stripper clothes” with a sprained ankle.
It’s raining, it’s cold, she’s hurt, there is no place to go… He’s hot and so is she. Yup, you get the drift!

If you like Christmas stories and you have read TL Swan before, you will love this one. There is a mention of my favorite book boyfriend EVER and another famous media mogul makes a cameo appearance.
Short, steamy, fun read. Happy Holidays!
