e-book, Kindle

Author: Grace Draven

Ballard of Ketach Tor has been cursed for a long time.  He lives in seclusion in his castle with his servants, his sorcerer and friend, and his son. One day, his son, Gavin, comes home with a young girl of astounding beauty. His son and his family believe that she might be the key to break the curse and be their salvation. What they weren’t counting on was that her sister would try to save her from being ruined come hell or high water. Nothing will deter her – no dark magic, no sorcerer, no ensorcelled roses, no ancient curse… But then she meets Ballard and everything changes. Will she be the key to his redemption or ultimately be the one to lead him to eternal damnation?

I freaking LOOOOOOOOOOOOVED this book!! I had been distancing myself from fantasy because a lot of it seemed to have taken a turn into YA-erish territory and that’s really not my vibe. This book though is adult fantasy and it’s perfection! Although this is a Beauty and the Beast retelling (yes, the rose, the mirror, the nasty suitor, the dad elements, they are all there) but it’s very uniquely written. The author has definitely made it her own. It’s a wonderful enemies-to-friends-to-lovers tale and the tension and the banter is so good! 

I also absolutely loved how the curse was not a “I-love-you-I-kiss-you-boom-it’s over” kinda curse. They had to work really hard and sacrifice a lot to get to a happy ending. 

There is a perfect mix of fantasy (with excellent plot) , steam and romance. 

Like Jenn from The Book Refuge (@thebookrefuge18) says, it’s a 6-star read. And I think Louvaen Duenda is now my favorite badass heroine. Hands down.

Thank you Bree @inloveandwordsand Crystal @crystalsbookishlife for also recommending this. 

Possible triggers: harassment, entrapment, violence, death during childbirth

