Kindle e-book and Storytelling audiobook

Author: Ashley Poston 

Narrator: Eileen Stevens

Florence Day is ghostwriter. She’s been writing for a very famous and prolific romance novelist and her books are hit. All’s been going well until she stops believing in love. Her craptastic boyfriend breaks up with her and “steals her memories” to use as plot for his own book. You see, Florence has had an interesting life: growing up in a funeral home run by her parents, she literally “sees dead people” … and they talk to her. Her boyfriend betrays her trust and uses her story for his book. Not cool.

When she tries to get an extension on her deadline, she’s not prepared to find a too handsome editor on their meeting. He ends up not giving her extension and she gets the worst call of her life: she has to return to the hometown she hates to busy her father. The town has mocked her for her gift and she hates coming back. She just wants to get on with the funeral and leave. But a very handsome ghost shows up to haunt her – her editor! Too bad that he’s even more attractive now, even in spectral form. 

I was immediately drawn by the premise of this book! A ghostwriter falling for a ghost? Sign me up! The story is fun, sweet, and it really pulls you in. However, by the middle I had already guessed what was going on and it dragged a little. Fortunately, it picks up again and you get a wonderful HEA. Don’t worry!

Narration: Kudos to Eileen Stevens (new narrator to me),  who carries the story in a stellar solo narration! When I was a little bored in the middle there, it was her narration that kept me going. Excellent job and I will be on the lookout for her work! 

Rep and possible triggers: queer rep. Death of a parent, death, grief

