Drowning in Stars #3
KU e-book
Author: Debra Anastasia
Taylor has always loved Austin Burathon, and I mean always. He’s her best friend’s older brother. He’s also the epitome of cool: wears guyliner, nail polish and skirts, flirts with everyone, and is more handsome than it should be allowed. When he rescues Taylor from a horrible living situation at her dorm and gets her to stay with him she finds out he’s been living a nightmare. “Endgame”, Austin’s ex-boyfriend, refuses to live the apartment. He mistreats and gaslights Austin like it’s a sport and Taylor just won’t have this. She will protect Austin from anything and everyone, even if her heart gets shattered in the process.
I need to preface this by saying I loved this book… while at the same time being extremely disappointed. Bear with me: Austin is my favorite character in this series and I wanted him to have an EPIC love story because he deserved it. I understand the Endgame storyline (and it’s extremely well-written) but I wish he wasn’t so prominent in this story that it eclipses the Taylor/Austin romance, especially because of the horrible person he is 99% of the time. I almost wish Cruel Pink were a novella, telling Austin and Endgame’s story and then another book with more focus on Austin and Taylor (or even another boyfriend! I’d be sad for Taylor but happy for Austin!).
Like I said, I loved the book. It just was not the book I wanted to read. Yeah, I am making no sense here, so read the books and let me know your thoughts! LOL
I loved catching up with the Burathons and I was hoping Nix, Animal and Lock would show up and clean up some messes, if you catch my drift.
Rep and possible triggers: queer rep. Gaslighting, toxic relationships, bullying, harassment, kidnapping, violence, hoarding