Drowning in Stars #1

Audible audiobook

Author: Debra Anastasia

Narrators: Benjamin Charles and Rose Dioro

Pixie and Gaze meet when they’re eleven. He just moved to the building across from hers. She blows bubbles through the window and he shoots them back at her. Both of them have complicated life situations and pretty soon they’re best friends, looking after each other. One day, when things go really south for Gaze, Pixie has to make a choice: her safety and his trust  or his life and future. She doesn’t hesitate: she choses him.

Years pass and Fate always has a way to bring together people who are just meant to be. But, will Gaze forgive Pixie for betraying his trust?

This is an epic love story. A coming of age tale of people destined to be together but who have been handed a shitty hand by Destiny, Pixie is adorable and you spend the whole time trying to jump into the book to protect her. You root for Gaze too and hope that the life in a way gifted to him by Pixie will not be shattered by the past coming back to haunt them.

It’s sweet and heartbreaking and when everything comes together at the end you let out a huge sigh of relief as no one deserves to be happy together more than these two. .

Note: Gaze’s new family is just EVERYTHING. 

Narration: Narrated with so much heart and emotion by the incomparable Rose Dioro, who brings all of Pixie’s badassery and vulnerability with perfection. Benjamin Charles has one of “those voices”: it’s warm, soothing at the same time bringing all the feels in his performance. 

Possible triggers: child abandonment and neglect, SA of a minor, death of apparent, alcoholism, bullying, living in foster care
