Green Valley Heroes #4

e-ARC provided by author

Author: Juliette Cross

People may call her Mad Marly and think she’s crazy, especially her father, but Marly is determined to prove everyone wrong. She’s not crazy, she is a dreamer. Her dream is to use the money her grandma left her and open her own boutique distillery. She knows that if she wins the moonshine competition it will put her on the map and she will live her dream. She needs to concoct the perfect moonshine. 

Wade Kelley is the polar opposite of Marly – a single dad to the gifted Jake, he’s responsibility personified. He feels he could do more for his kid. He needs to have everything under control. Marly is a whirlwind he doesn’t know how to handle. 

Opposites attract and Wade and Marly (who are best friends with people who are engaged) are in each other’s circle. When Wade realizes that he can help Marly with her dream, he offers her the use of his grandpa’s cabin/distillery in the woods, as it comes with spring water that will elevate her product. A favor here, a favor there and sparks fly. Moonshine will never taste better and life will never be brighter. 

I’m always in awe of how expertly Juliette mixes humor, steam and all the feels. It’s lovely to see Marly loosening up the tense and reserved Wade and it’s beautiful how he SEES her. The tender moments between father and son are precious and just want them to be one happy family. 

It can be totally read as a standalone but, if you read Parks and Provocation, Lola and Jed appear here too (they are the best friends mentioned before).

If you like a small town romance, quirky characters, with small town shenanigans, a teeny weeny dose of suspense near the end, don’t miss this one. I absolutely loved going back to Green Valley. 

Thanks, Juliette, for the advanced readers copy.

