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Rating System


I loved this book and I will recommend it. It hit all the spots and I had a great time reading it. I will probably check out more books about the author. It will most likely be considered a favorite now. I will probably re-read it if in a reading slump. 


I liked the book but there was something missing –  the “it” factor that would push it to the 5-star category. I will recommend it. It’s a “really good” book and I enjoyed reading. 


I didn’t love it but I didn’t hate it either. It was likely a “meh” book. It will definitely not be my first choice of recommendation to someone, and I will probably never get back to it. 


This book has probably had problems with the writing or the story. It was a struggle to finish and I would not recommend it. 


Hell, no. NOPE. NO WAY. This is most likely either a problem of very bad writing or some very objectionable content I wasn’t aware of. There is a huge chance I won’t check anything else by the author either. I was annoyed/offended enough to write about it. 


That stands for “Did Not Finish”. Life is too short and my TBR is too long to waste my time on this book. DNFed books are never rated because I don’t think it’s fair to rate something I didn’t finish. If you pick it up, proceed at your own risk. 

The Six-Star Rating


I stole this from Jenn from The Book Refuge.

It’s THAT kind of special book. The one I couldn’t put down, was sad when I finished it and will reread it many times. I will gush about it and probably make all my friends read it.