The Copper Valley Thrusters #2
Audible audiobook
Author: Pippa Grant
Narrators: Virginia Rose and Jacob Morgan
Prince Manning of Stölland is so far down the laundry list of heirs to the throne that he’s always been allowed “certain liberties”. When such liberties go over the top, he’s shipped off to America to play hockey while the Palace cleans up his latest mess. But trouble finds him wherever he goes and now he found it in the shape of a dinosaur costume wearing baker of “dirty cookies”, Ms Gracie Diamonte. Sparks fly between them and the royal jewels produce an accidental royal baby. Manning is determined to be everything for Gracie and their baby, but there is one pesky little obstacle: he’s betrothed to “Maleficent”.
Gracie lives a quiet life as a baker in Goat’s Tit (you read that right! lol) and she runs a successful online business selling “dirty cookies”. She’s never finished high school, she swears a lot, but to Manning, she’s a queen. Let’s just see what the Palace thinks about that…
I needed a fun, light-hearted read after all the angst, murder and mayhem I’ve been reading and Pippa never disappoints. This book is cute, steamy and hilarious. I loved the cheeky Prince, Gracie is adorable (especially when she reverses roles and decides she’s the one who’ll save the “dude in distress”) and I love the bond she has with her peculiar sister. What a fun book!
Narration: Virginia Rose lays down all the Alabama charm and Jacob Morgan has the sexiest Stöllander accent (let’s applaud the fact that he came up with a very consistent accent for a country that doesn’t exist!) Fun fun fun!
Rep and possible triggers: Gracie is severely dyslexic and truly believes she has no “book smarts”