Name In Lights #3
Audible audiobook
Author: Kayley Loring
Narrators: Mackenzie Cartwright and Zachary Webber
Alexa Vega’s done with the nightclubbing everyone seems to enjoy in LA. He’d rather just stay at home and watch a movie with his son. He’s invited to a birthday bash and it’s for the show creator for That’s So Wizard! , a show he was a part of in his teens. He has to show up and say hi at least. He’ll stay half an hour tops and leave. That’s when he sees her, all alone, not looking very comfortable and trying to ditch a guy hitting on her. Alex goes to rescue her (unnecessarily, he soon finds out) and she asks him to dance. Alex doesn’t dance. EVER. And whaddya know, look at Alex on the dance floor! She’s a little tipsy too. She gives him a mind blowing kiss and proceeds to run to the bathroom to puke! He has every intention to follow her, but his phone rings and it’s dad duty. He leaves never to see her again.
Ms Emilia Stiles is as happy as a clam I’m her new job teaching 7 year olds. Her only peeve at the moment is this dad who seems to think answering her emails appropriately is beneath him. Time for a parent teacher call. And, f*ck her life, Ryder Vega’s dad is none other than “sexy club vomit guy”, who looks like sin and kisses like nobody’s business.
Life just got complicated.
I love love love this series and this book is my favorite! Having been a teacher myself, I totally get Emilia. She’s dedicated to her students and the last thing she needed was for “hot sexy club vomit guy” to be a student’s dad. Poor girl!
Alex is top tier book boyfriend. Kayley writes single dad p0rn like no one and this will make you swoon. Alex is definitely “hot for teacher”.
As this is the last book of the series, Kayley finishes it with one of the cutest epilogues ever! Everyone shows up! This book is also the official introduction of the Lazy Wingmen in action. Grammie Todd is present too.
Narration: The super talented Mackenzie Cartwright accompanied by Zachary Webber doing catnip kid’s voice and a hot Spanish accent. Dios mio! The epilogue has special appearances by Teddy Hamilton and Jason Clarke too.