The Edens #4

e-book, KU

Author: Devney Perry

If you’ve been reading this series, you finished the last book with the bombastic news that Eloise Eden, the responsible hotel manager, ended up drunk-marrying Jasper Vale, her future brother-in-law’s trainer, in Vegas when the sisters went there to watch Foster’s last fight. One tequila shot too many and Eloise lets her hair down and now she can be jeopardizing her future ownership of The Eloise, her beloved hotel, as her parents will definitely consider a drunk-wedding in Vegas a sure sign that she’s not mature enough for the responsibility. 

When Jasper wakes up the morning after the fight, he can’t believe he’s had the best, wildest night of his life and that he ended married in Vegas… for the second time. When he sees how worried Eloise is about how it will affect her reputation he proposes they stay married. He also needs a wife to attend a function with him and taking Eloise would be perfect as she can be the key to freeing him from an extremely toxic relationship that not even his best friend knows about.

I LOVED this one. The first time Jasper goes “that’s my wife”, you swoon. Hard. You can tell from the get go that these two are perfect for each other, they just have to figure out that they do not have to part ways as they previously thought they would. They’re fire together, but the best part of the story are the ones in which they show complete support for each other.

I love how Devney gives each book a completely different vibe! I can’t wait to start the next one!

Possible triggers: feelings of inadequacy, extremely toxic relationships with an ex and with parents 
