Beacon Harbor #2
ARC provided by authors
Authors: Kay Loring and Connor Crais
Ever since I met Vera and Damien in The Billionaire is Back I knew I needed their story. The Rockstar Returns takes us back to Beacon Harbor and two years have passed. Damien is no longer the slacker lobster racer we came to love but is now an established rockstar – thanks to some videos posted online by none other than Vera. When his career launches, he wants no one but her to be his manager but she refuses and his best friend, Bryce, takes over and manages to turn him into a household name but also a brand. A brand Damien is not too comfortable with.
Vera has been fleeting around the world now that Claire has lovingly fired her as her assistant. She could have taken the manager job but our skittish girl is afraid. Afraid of the monumental feelings she has for Damien, feelings she can’t control as she wants. But she needs him for a concert in Beacon Harbor…
I am absolute sucker for an “it’s always been you” romance and these two have loved each other since forever. They have, however, spent a decade scared of facing these feelings. Damien has been pining for Vera since he realized girls existed. She’s his everything: his muse, his siren, his home. Vera is so afraid of loss that she only lets herself love Claire. Loving Damien is terrifying.
I loved that Claire and Grady decided they had enough and pushed them into what we had been clamoring for: get together, dammit!! LOL And when they do, oh boy!
Even though they deny it to the death, there is a freaking third act break-up and I swear I wanted to scream at Damien…. and then at Vera… and most of all at Bryce. But I trusted Kayley and Connor and all is well in the end.
This is for everyone who loves a hunky and charming rockstar, a sassy heroine with purple (and all other colors of the rainbow) hair, stray cats, the Barbers, the Sweeneys, being snowed in in a deserted island with the love of your life, Thanksgiving cooking shenanigans, ugly Christmas sweaters, 900-year-old cookie aficionados, helpful neighbors and opening your heart to an HEA that will rock your heart out.
This will be a smashing audiobook!
I can’t wait to go back to Beacon Harbor! Who’s next?!
Thanks, Kayley and Connor for the opportunity to read this early!