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How “The Accidental Romance Blogger” came to be:

Well, 2020 happened. This dumpster fire of year happened, that’s how. Since I ticked a whole lot of boxes in the “at risk” list for complications with the Coronavirus, my doctors basically put me on house arrest. Well, there isn’t much to do when you are home 24/7 other than take care of plants, cook, watch tv and read. I come from a family of readers (and, to be honest, of writers too), so reading was my activity of choice. I read close to 300 books in 2020 and Iam sure I will keep reading as much.

Why romance novels?

Well, I have always read romance novels. It started when I was a teenager to keep up with my English. Being bilingual but living in a country where English was not the primary language, it was a nice way to practice and keep up with it. It amazing how fast you can lose fluency in a language you don’t practice. So, my long history with romance novels started. From one Harlequin or Loveswept to historical to contemporary.


And why blogging?

To be honest, I still don’t know. I never wanted to have something like this, but I have always been active in communities, such as forums and Facebook groups. And I like to write, and people seem to like what I write. I started posting a few reviews on Amazon and Goodreads, but I don’t want to write JUST reviews. I want to talk about authors, and whole series of books and I want to delve into my new found love: audiobooks! I want to share my favorite narrators, and talk about how “listening” to a book qualifies as “reading” and so on. So many people who have difficulty reading have been benefitted by this form of having access to the written word. And the narration itself is a form of art! (Some authors could thank their narrators for saving their books, just saying…)

So this is basically the reason why I wanted to have my own place to write my ramblings and musings. I have zero wish for fame and fortune (insert roll eyes emoji here) and there is a less than zero chance of me becoming a TikToker I already paid my dues re talking to people by being a teacher. I will post on Instagram though.

One more thing: this is a blog about romance novels. I usually read contemporaries with an occasional fantasy or paranormal one dropped in there. You may see a review for romantic suspense and dark romance too. I also have no problems with LGBTQIAP+ characters at all. That means them being the main characters. So you will find them here too. It’s the second decade of the new millenium. Deal with it. I also try to read diversely, so all kinds of love are okay with me, because people come in all shapes, sizes, colors and different abilities. I normally don’t go for taboo, but that doesn’t mean the books I review aren’t steamy or deal with hard subjects. If you are prone to clutching your pearls when you see a little smut, this is NOT the place for you. Just saying. 😉

And another thing: eventually you will be seeing author/narrator spotlights. Those will be exclusively for those that I LIKE. I will not write a spotlight to bash anyone’s work, whether it be for their writing or their work as narrators. I WILL, though, when reviewing a book or audiobook, be honest about it.

I also purchase a significant number of my books and audiobooks, but I will review books or audiobooks that were given to me for the purpose of reviewing. This will not factor in when I rate the book and review it. My review will always be honest.

So, if you are here, thank you. It means you have a love for books, so we are off to a good start. Sit back, relax and enjoy. Let’s be friends.